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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

7 Benefits of Sleeping Naked You Probably Didn't Know

Sleeping naked is something that might not go well with. Probably coz you were taught it’s ” bad Manners” to sleep naked. It’s not African some may say. But that might not be the case according to scientific studies. Do you know pajamas and sleepwear affect the quality of sleep we get and can even prevent us from losing weight?
There is more benefits to going to bed commando. As you read these, you will be more enlightened and probably think twice on what your mama taught you. Here are 7 reasons why you should sleep naked

1. Your genitals will be healthier.

Warm environments are the ideal breeding ground for infections, especially bacterial infections, which are the most common in that part of the body. Without underwear, this area gets more ventilation.

2. You will rest better.

Sleep experts say that we sleep better in a cool environment and that is easily achieved when have less clothing.

3. You will look sexier.

Your hormones work better at lower temperatures and your body begins to regenerate. In the end, your hair and skin will end up having a much sexier look.

4. You will reduce abdominal fat.

Because sleep is a best way to combat stress and stress causes belly fat, there nothing like uninterrupted nights sleep to get rid of some inches around your middle without even lifting a finger.

5. It will take away the hunger.

Your brain sends signals of hunger when you are tired so that you consume calories for immediate energy. If you’re rested, you’ll obviously want to eat less and have more self-control to avoid fattening foods.

6. It will boost your self-esteem.

If you feel good and are connected to your body, you’ll feel comfortable with how you look. When you get good sleep, you make less errors. There’s nothing like some peace of mind to lift your self-esteem.

7. You will get more eager to take care of yourself and look better.

If you know that you can not hide behind the clothes at night, you will make a huge effort to be fit.

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