When it comes to planning for a baby, you are often bombarded with tips and advice from almost everyone you meet! The elderly and experienced ladies you meet try to fill you in with every piece of information they know. There are chances that most bits you hear are misconceptions or myths that are devoid of any reasoning at all. We discuss a few common myths and why you should get dump them immediately. Here are some misconceptions about conception that you must know about!
Myth #1: Making love everyday raises the chances of conception
It is a common belief that if you make love every single day, your chances of conception increase. The fact, however, is that the only period during which the chances of conceiving are high, is ovulation. So, if you are trying to make a baby, the best way to go about it is to plan it in accordance with your menstrual cycle. It really would not matter if you do “it” 10 times a day but are not ovulating! These days, menstrual cycle calendars can be downloaded easily and ovulation strips are also easily available. You can use these practical aids with your doctor’s guidance.
Myth #2: Periods are synonymous with contraception
It is true that you do not ovulate when you are having your period. However, women with irregular cycles or short cycles can ovulate during their periods. Also, the sperm can survive for nearly five days within the female reproductive canal. Even if a single sperm survives, it is enough to fertilise an egg.
Myth #3: Yogic headstands raise fertility
When couples cannot conceive despite repeated attempts, they get desperate and try every trick in the book. This is one of those beliefs that many women do not hesitate to try. Even though there are no harmful side effects, the fact is that it is completely illogical! Balancing your body on your head, supported against a wall, helps the sperm to move faster towards the reproductive channel, is the thought behind it. However, the fact is that the way the sperm swims and reaches the unfertilised egg cannot be manipulated in any way!
Myth #4: The pill renders you infertile
Contraceptive pills are essentially hormonal supplements and are associated with some sideeffects. However, once the pill is stopped, its effects fade away too. But you need to be very careful here. Follow your doctor’s instructions meticulously to avoid messing with your hormonal balance. If proper prescribed guidelines are followed, there is no way the pill can be related to infertility.
Myth #5: Caffeine is “anti pregnancy”
Too much coffee might not be the best beverage when it comes to overall health, but it is definitely not “anti pregnancy”. Yes, it has been proved that caffeine can make a woman moody or irritated, or can interfere with her sleep patterns, but it cannot derail her reproductive health. Although, it is suggested that coffee consumption should always be in moderation.
Myth #6: What you eat affects your fertility
Many people suggest that eating some foods can lead to higher or lower chances of pregnancy. This is just an old-wives’ tale that you need to forget about. There is absolutely no solid evidence on how eating specific foods can affect your fertility, as it is affected purely by your hormonal balance and thus your menstrual cycle.
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